Senin, 21 Januari 2008

Ikrima Dieniati /031103082 "Wedding"

There are many kinds of wedding style in Indonesia. In every places
have different wedding ceremony. For example, in Sundanesse wedding
ceremony, the ceremonial program start from "Akad Nikah", the bride
and the bridegroom read the promise to live togather lead by
'Penghulu' in the front of both parent. After "sungkeman" the next
session is "saweran" . After they sit in the same line at the stage or
"pelaminan" for wait some guests. Then, the guests enjoy the food. It
is different with the American culture. The couple in America held
wedding ceremonial at the church but most Indonesian held the wedding
ceremonial in the bridge's home. Today, western wedding dress are
usually white, through "Wedding White" includes creamy shades such as
eggshell, ecru and ivory. In America, before get married the
bridegroom sometimes held a Bachelor party.

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