Senin, 21 Januari 2008

Ikrima Dieniati /031103082

Cross Culture Understanding

The Meanings of a Word
Language is a fundamental of human necessity for communication both
orally and written.
Indonesia consist of several province. Each area in Indonesia has
their own language alone. For example, in west Java has Sudanese
language in central Java has Javanese and in Medan has Batak language.
This different language can we see in how the way they express their
feeling to the something. For example when they want to express the
delicious food. In Sunda, the Sudanese say "moal gagal" and in Java
they say "Mak Nyos". However, for word "Mak Nyos" nowadays is known as
popular language in Indonesia because almost all Indonesian people say
this word to express that this food is delicious and they like this
very much.
However, there are several same word that use in different place but
has a different meaning. For example "Awak" in Sundanese is body but
"Awak" in Sumatra is I am.

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